Nettisweet Gold

Nettisweet Gold – Double Strength Brown Sugar Substitute

I feel a bit corny giving this recipe a special name, but it’s a whole lot less wordy than the alternative. This is an adaption of a recipe from Gwen’s Nest. I’ve written this double strength version here as I use it in a number of my recipes. I discuss the reasons for this and other stuff about sweeteners in my blog post here

1 cup erythritol
1 tsp Stevia extract
1 1/2 tsp molasses, preferably blackstrap*
4-8 drops extract ie: butterscotch, maple, or caramel

Measure erythritol into small bowl. Add molasses and flavorings, and mix with a fork until it is evenly distributed. Transfer into an airtight container. Use half the quantity in place of brown sugar or 1:1 where Nettisweet Gold is required in recipes.

*Blackstrap molasses contains more nutrients and minerals than other types.
Although molasses is a sugar, the amount per serving is so small as to be insignificant. This can be used in S, E or FP recipes in the THM eating plan.


Maple Syrup Substitute

I’m adding this to the brown sugar post as it’s related. I don’t know how it would work as a substitute in baking but as a topping on pancakes etc, I think it’s pretty good. I make in small amounts as it only keeps a few days in the fridge. Thickens when cold, warm to make runny.

1 Tablespoon Nettisweet Gold

1/4 cup water

1/8 tsp glucomannan

Whisk ingredients together in a microwave safe cup. Microwave on high for 20 seconds, then 10 seconds at a time until all ingredients are dissolved and it’s slightly thickened.